Autumn Garden Tips

The worst thing you could do in an autumn garden is nothing at all. While it has been common in modern times to just “clean up” the garden this time of year and let it sit for the winter until the soil and air start to warm again, October is the perfect time to finish planting fall veggies and tuck the last perennials into flower gardens.

Here in Kitsap County we typically get our first frost around early-mid November so we have plenty of time to plant garlic, overwintering brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, romanesco, kale, and cauliflower), spinach, and lettuce. There are just a few adjustments of technique that will allow all of these food plants to settle in nicely and grow slowly through the winter months. And now is the perfect time to divide perennial flowers and spread them into new planting beds or fill in open spaces in established beds.


Winter Garden Tips